V 1.3.0
    • 09 Sep 2024
    • 207 Minutes to read
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    V 1.3.0

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    Article summary

    Entersoft QuickBiz

    [Version 1.3.0, 12.06.2024]

    Integration with means of payment (EFT/POS) and e-Invoicing provider

    Electronic Funds Transfer are now supported at the point of sales (EFT/POS). They’re carried out through the use of Means of Payment with a corresponding obligation of issuing documents, as well as the relevant integration processes with myDATA based on circular no. 1155 / 2023.

    According to the Basic integration rule, transactions are are standardized in:

    1.     Simultaneous transactions, during which documents (invoices, retail sale receipts) are issued as their payment occurs.

    2.     Deferred transactions, during which documents (invoices, retail sales receipts) are issued prior to their payment.

    3.     Simultaneous transactions for advance collections, pre-payments, preliminary approvals, during which collection receipts are issued as their payment occurs.

    4.     Simultaneous transactions for collections on behalf of third parties, during which the collection receipts on behalf of third parties are issues as their payment occurs.

    5.     Simultaneous return transactions, during which transactions of per. 1 to 4 are either cancelled without prior issuing of a sales document, or are cancelled after a sales document is issued, so credit documents are also issued, with the corresponding, on a case by case basis, return of the relevant transaction amounts.

    The transactions that are carried out according to what the present decree, involve the following parties, on a case by case basis:

    1.     Payment Service Provider (Acquirer): The Acquirer is the organization that handles the execution of a digital transaction. This means, they perform what we call «clearance», in order for the payment funds to be transferred securely to the merchant's account, from the customer to a business.

    2.     Network Service Provider (NSP): The company that’s responsible for the provision and management of POS devices, as well as the provision of services that include the connection of POS devices to the beholden entities.

    3.     Services provided by an e-invoicing service provider (ΥΠΑΗΕΣ): Entersoft e-Invoicing.

    4.     Payment service user.

    The above entities are beholden to comply with the Basic integration rule of the via the Integration method of Means of Payment and Cash Register systems that use or provide for the myDATA integration and the transmission of relevant data to the digital myDATA platform.

    For more detailed information see the relevant circular: https://www.aade.gr/sites/default/files/2023-10/a_1155ada.pdf

    To see the list of compatible POS models according to no. 1155/23, click here.


    For more regarding the configuration process of the application, click here.

    Cross-border Sales (One Stop Shop)

    It is now possible to monitor intra-community distant B2C sales in the OSS, according to everything stipulated in no. 4818/2021 and Α 1242/2021. The above decrees concern subjects (salespersons) that are installed at a ΚΜ and carry out intra-community distance sales of goods or/and services to non-subjects in other ΚΜ. When the total of these transactions exceeds 10,000 euro in a year, the subjects must submit the VAT of the consumption ΚΜ and register to the special OSS VAT regime.

    For more information regarding the configuration process of the application, click here.

    Mass retail screen

    In this version, the mass retail screen was updated, aiming to make it easier and faster for a user to register a receipt.

    New trade account from within document

    The trade account management is possible on the Entities menu, either for creating new ones, or editing the details of already existing ones.

    In this version, it is now possible to create a new trade account directly from within any document of the application.

    In the trade account search area, from the available actions, selecting +New trade acc. immediately opens the input screen and by saving the new entity, they’re added directly to the document, in order to issue it quickly and easily.

    Alternatively, this pop-up might appear, in case the specific document type can support the creation of more trade account types, in order to select the appropriate one:

    Trade account financial data

    It is now possible to directly report the financial data at a single glance.

    With this option, the trade account’s financial data pop-up appears, immediately summarizing, including an overview, the financial data of balance, turnover, etc. for the document’s trade account:

    The information displayed on the pop-up, are calculated as follows:

    1.     Previous fiscal year: comes pre-filled from the balance of the previous fiscal year, in debit/credit, depending in the open balance (if applicable).

    2.     Entries: For Customer: Debit is the sum of the sales invoice values & Credit the sum of collections by the customer. For Supplier/Creditor: Debit is the sum of the Purchase/Expense invoice values & Credit is the sum of payments to the trade account (provider/creditor).

    3.     Totals: it’s the sum of Previous fiscal year + Entries for columns debit/credit, respectively.

    4.     Balance: For Customer: Debit Totals– Credit Totals. For Supplier/Creditor: Credit Totals – Debit Totals.

    5.     Outstanding cheques: it's the total cheques that have not been paid yet (in Debit you can see the outstanding ones by Customers, while in Credit the outstanding ones to Suppliers).

    6.     Risk: Balance (from Νο4) + Outstanding cheques + Pending invoicing.

    7.     Credit margin: it's the saved amount in the Credit margin field entered in the trade account Entity, in Attributes.

    8.     Pending orders: the final value of the payable amount for orders that have not been transformed.

    9.     Pending invoicing: it's the final value of the payable amount for notes (sales or purchases) that have not yet been invoiced.

    10.  Future Balance: Credit Margin – Balance – Pending orders – Pending invoicing.

    11.  Turnover: the total amount of sales or purchases invoice according to the specific trade account.

    The option Financial data is available:

    • On the trade account page, from the new option under More actions:

    • From the documents, the More actions pop-up of the trade account, in the document’s header:

    • Or from the documents, in the trade account lines, via the Preview / Financial data scorecard:

    Customize totals in Trade documents

    It is now possible to customize the Totals Line in trade documents.

    In simple steps, the user can add or remove the fields they want:


    1.     Option in action Customize,

    2.     In the frame that appears in the totals fields, by hovering the cursor over each one, the “” appear and by clicking, the pop-up opens,

    3.     +Add (or/and Remove) fields

    4.     A pop-up appears with the available fields to add to the Totals line of the document.

    Extra features:

    • The fields are moved by dragging & dropping.

    • After completing the actions for the ideal display & layout of the fields, by clicking on the Star icon, the user saves their preferences for that document.

    Sales & Profitability analytics

    In this version, two new OLAPs have been created, aiming to report sales and item profitability analytics. They’re available from menu Sales / Sales statistics.

    The OLAPs (On Line Analytical Processing) are used in many parts of the system, when the required reporting has a «multi-dimensional» nature.

    Sales analytics

    This Report provides a detailed reporting on sales income, as well as the sales quantity by month. It can also be used to provide the same information (Quantity & Turnover), by combining the following dimensions:

    • Item

    • Customer

    • Salesperson

    • Sales channel

    • Branch

    • Year

    This can be done by clicking on the Show field selector icon.

    Here, you can remove the dimensions that might not serve in the particular moment when you’re receiving the report.

    Either uncheck the corresponding options, or drag them from the page to this table using drag & drop.

    Additionally, you can move dimensions or add/remove. For example, remove the Turnover column, add the Customer combined with the Item, etc. Generally, you can make any layout is the most useful to you, for the most effective reporting.

    This layout can be saved using the Star icon, in order to have your preferences available every time you open up the OLAP, to avoid having to go through the same configuration all the time.

    By clicking the Export to excel icon:

    an excel will be created immediately, with all the data displayed on the page at the time of the export.

    Here you can have a display of the data in graph form. By clicking the gear icon of the settings you can view more available graph display options.

    Item profitability

    This Report provides a detailed reporting on item profitability by month. The reporting on Profit results from the aggregation of the item sales turnover with its corresponding cost of purchase.

    The OLAP dimensions are:

    • Item

    • Average Cost Price

    • Invoiced quantity

    • Family

    • Group

    • Category

    • Branch

    • Year

    • Quarter

    • Month

    The Counters are:

    • Sales quantity. It’s the quantity of sales.

    • Invoiced sales quantity. It’s the quantity of sales that has been invoiced. Does not include the “outstanding” Delivery Notes.

    • Average cost price. The average price results from the total purchases (debits) from the start of the year until the month selected.

    • Turnover.

    • Cost of goods sold. It results from the product of the Average Cost Price with the Sales quantity.

    • Profit. It’s calculated from the Turnover difference minus the Cost of goods sold.

    Here you can have a representation of the data in graph form.


    In this version, the Cheque sub-system in the application.

    It is possible to create cheques in collection & payment receipts. Additionally, there have been lists integrated for the best monitoring of cheques in your system, indicatively, the Cheque list, as well as the Cheque transactions, where the necessary cheque payment or/and return transactions are entered.

    For more information, click here.

    Bailment goods per trade account

    In this version, report Bailment goods per trade account is available (menu: Warehouse / Reports).

    In the report you can view turnover data on bailment goods, bailment value per item for the select date interval, as well as information on quantities (importing, exporting & balance).

    For detailed information on Bailment, click here.

    Import data from third-party systems

    A process of mass entry import was added, as well as of mass update for existing entries, for Multiple codes of stock items. This process offers the possibility to mass import the Multiple codes to the system by using an excel template. (menu: More tasks / Import from third-party systems).

    Mass update fields in Entities

    It is now possible to Mass update fields using the relevant action, that’s now available in the entity lists.

    The mass update is available in Expenses, Cash registers, Bank accounts & Credit cards

    and is performed for fields: Ledger account & Accounting category.

    Using this action you can either update the selected entries with the desired value, or «clear» the value from the selected field.

    1.    mark the lines you wish to change in a field,

    2.    from the available actions, select Mass update &

    3.    the relevant table opens up,


    4.    Field: select the field you wish to update from the available list,


    5.    Field value: select from the list. Note that only in field Ledger account you will not select, but type the corresponding account.



    6.  Empty field value: enable this option in case you wish to remove the saved values of the Field you entered earlier in the same table for the selected entries.


    7.  Update and the changes will be immediately applied.



    Print from Fund transfer documents

    It is now possible to Print & Send mail from within Find transfers from Customers (ΕΙΧ) and Fund transfers to Supplier (ΠΛΧ) documents. At the same time, two default print forms are now available, Remittance and Remittance_Α5 for Α4 and Α5 sheets, respectively.

    In order to enable Print and Send e-mail, you are required to have entered the corresponding fields in the Document series:


    1. Print form: select the Remittance form.

    2. Printer: this field must be filled-in for the printing to proceed. Select the printer that’s connected to the device from which the printing is performed.

    3. Call method:

      Promptly: immediately when the document is Saved, it will be printed to this printer.

      Request confirmation: it means that upon Saving the receipt a question will appear: «Print the document?»

      No: No printing is called upon Saving. On a case by case basis, the Print action can be called.

    4. Send mail: when it’s selected, then upon Saving the document, the mail delivery form will automatically appear. Here you can select Print & Send mail.


    eShop integration

    Two more called were added to the communication through the eShopConnector.

    • ProductsStock. Using this call you can receive stock for either the item total, or a specific item or/and color-size.

    • OrderStatus. Using this call you can receive information for a specific document, concerning header information, such as the workflow step, the provider details etc.

      See more information here.

    Focus on document fields without extra clicks

    Made improvements to all document types to facilitate their use and save the user time.


    In Trade transaction documents (sales & purchases):

    1. Upon opening a New document creation, the cursor focuses on the trade account field to facilitate the search.

    2. If the search only comes up with a single result, the trade account is automatically entered, without the pop-up appearing and user selection being required.

    3. A field for searching with Trade account code was added. It’s available in document customization. By searching using the code, when the trade account is entered, the field is hidden and the code is displayed along with the name. In case the display of the Code field is saved in the preferences using the star icon, then every time a new document is created, the cursor will be focused on the code and not the name.

    4. Once the trade account is entered, then the cursor focuses on the Quick search field, in order for the user to type or/and directly scan.

    5. Each time the Select item pop-up is closed, the cursor automatically focuses on Quick search.

    6. Upon opening an already saved document from the list, the cursor automatically focuses on Quick Search.




    In Transit documents (item movement note):

    1.       Upon opening a New document creation, the cursor automatically focuses on Quick search.

    2.       Every time the Select item pop-up is closed, the cursor always focuses on Quick search.

    3.       Upon opening an already saved note from the list, the cursor automatically focuses on Quick Search.



    In Cash transaction documents (collections & payments & cheque/note entries):

    1. Upon opening a New document creation, the cursor has already focused on the trade account field for immediate search.

    2. If the search comes up with one single result, the trade account is automatically filled-in, without the pop-up opening up and user selection being required.

    3. A field for searching with Trade account code was added. It’s available in document customization. By searching using the code, when the trade account is entered, the field is hidden and the code is displayed along with the name. In case the display of the Code field is saved in the preferences using the star icon, then every time a new document is created, the cursor will be focused on the code and not the name.



    In Adjustment documents (stock adjusting documents, item inventory documents, etc.):

    1. Upon opening a New document creation, the cursor automatically focuses on Quick search.

    2. Every time the Select item pop-up is closed, the cursor always focuses on Quick search.

    3. Upon opening an already saved note from the list, the cursor automatically focuses on Quick Search.

    More improvements

    • Check Visualization of Item Balance  

      The balance check visualization has been integrated to stock items during document creation.

      The check is performed based on the corresponding configuration in the document type & is now also attributed using color display for direct warning of the user.

    • Document types: in this page, from menu Settings / Documents / Document types, the following important columns have been added:

      Transaction category,


      Accounting category,

      Lotify entry type,

      Lotify document type,

      myDATA document type,

      External accounting software document type

      Additionally, they’ve been divided into 2 tabs, Main & Other documents.

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