    • 03 Dec 2024
    • 11 Minutes to read
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    Article summary

    Receipts / Invoices

    The “Purchase invoices” page opens. Here the user can view all Purchase-Delivery documents (invoices & credit purchase invoices, receipt notes & return to supplier notes) (PLN-Receipt Note, PIV-Invoice for Goods, PNV-Invoice-Goods Receipt Note, PRN- Goods Return Note, PCN-Credit note for Goods Return note, PCI-Credit note-Goods Return Note, PNS-Receipt note (No charge), SPC-Return note (without pending of credit note), PCV-Credit Discount note)

    The next possible actions of a document can be the following:

    • Edit or Delete the created document.

    • Transition, i.e. create a new document:

    • from PCN => to PCI

    • from PCN => to PLN

      • that the new doc will be linked to the original, for history monitoring reasons (via the Show transitions).

    • Cancel the document.

    •  Filters: Once you open the “Purchase documents” page and click on the filter, the fields are filled-in as follows:

    • Date: you can select a specific date or date interval

    • Document code: it’s the combination of Document Type-Series-Document No, e.g. PNV-X-00001. So you can search e.g. by series with *X*.

    • Branch: the branch to which the notes/invoices correspond (the information is linked to the document series).

    • Document type: displays all selectable types of purchase/receipt documents. You can choose none (so it will bring all the documents, up to many at once, by selecting the check box in each one), or up to however many you wish to see on the list.

    • Trade account: you can select specific trade accounts from the search area of this field.

    Types of documents with quick display:

    On the “Receipt/Invoices” page, in each line you see in the list, there is an arrow on the right,

    By clicking on it and selecting “Transaction items”, a table appears with the items listed in the document, with information on quantities and values:

    Furthermore, by clicking on Availability, another table is displayed, where you can see for each item WH,

    the total Balance, the Quantity entered in pending Customer Orders and the Future Stock that will remain after the order invoicing:

    If a document is Partially Transitioned, i.e. Items and/or quantities have been partially transitioned, then the arrow shows these options:

    In Show transitions you will see the previous and/or next document created from the transition and contains the items of the note/invoice.

    Creating / Processing Receipts/Invoices:

    By pressing + on the right of the screen to register a New document, the following table appears:

    to Select the necessary type of document.

    So, enter:

    Series: it comes pre-populated. (If you have more than one series, you can select another one.)

    Search trade account:

    In these fields you can search for a trade account in various ways:

    • In the “Search trade account” field you can write part of the name using *. For example Enters* for Entersoft SA, etc.

    • In the “T.R.N.” field write part of the TRN with *, e.g. *894 (for those ending in 894, or 093* for those starting with 093, etc.).

    • In the “Telephone” field, write part of the Phone no with *.

    • By entering a valid TRN in the “T.R.N.” field, a pop-up window appears to create a trade account


    Select "Yes” and a new pop-up window opens, to select the trade account type.

    In this example, select a Supplier. The tab for the creation of a new supplier is then opened, where the main fields required are populated by the “G.S.I.S. / VIES Data Recovery”

    • Clicking on the magnifying glass icon displays the following table, where

    you can Search by: Name / Trade account code / TRN / Phone / Mobile

    provided that you make the corresponding selection on the left and type the relevant information on the right.

    For example, you on the left you search by T.R.N. And on the right you type 099* and press enter.

    Payment method: either it is already entered by the supplier, or you choose the desired payment method on the invoice.

    Salesperson: either they are already entered by the supplier, or you choose (optional) your respective salesperson in the document.

    Related documents:

     “Select related document” = by clicking on the icon, a table with a list of documents created for the same supplier is displayed. You can select related documents to be linked to the new one, for informative purposes.

     “Related documents” = by clicking on the icon, a table with a list of the selected related documents is displayed. From here you can delete them, so that they no longer appear linked to the Related documents.

    Notes: a field for free text.

    Branch: it is automatically populated & cannot be changed, based on the login branch.

    Warehouse: the first WH branch is automatically populated. If you are also monitoring a second WH on the same Branch and the items will be received in it, you can change it here.

    Delivery date: enter the agreed delivery date from the supplier.

    Shipping Purpose it is automatically populated, with the option corresponding to each Document Type, e.g. in the SNV it will be SALE, in SRN it will be SALES RETURN, etc.

    Recipient: it is automatically populated with the supplier details for which the document is created. (You do not need to enter your details, this field is mainly used in sales documents.)

    Delivery address: it is automatically populated by the address provided by the supplier. (You do not need to enter your details, this field is mainly used in sales documents.)

    Shipping method: optionally, enter the shipping method for the receipt of your order.

    Transporter: optionally, enter your order's transporter.

    Car: it concerns use in sales documents, where you have registered your company's cars. You can choose one of them in sales invoicing.

    MyData document: Select the document type according to MyData.

    VAT Regime: pre-populated by the supplier.

    Discount: it is pre-populated by the supplier, in case a fixed discount has been agreed upon. You can change it in the document if you wish that another discount is applied to all items for this individual case, so you can avoid entering it in every item on the document lines.

    Reason for VAT exemption: it is already pre-populated by the supplier if its VAT regime is With Exemption, so here, the reason for exemption is appropriately entered.

    If the VAT is With Exemption, this field must be populated, for the correct transmission of the invoice to MyData.

    Sales channel: pre-populated by the supplier. If it is empty and you wish to fill it in, this field will bring the options you have entered through the Configuration page Settings / Manage grouping tables. (there are written instructions in the corresponding section)

    Related documents: by pressing + you can either drag & drop, or select a file to insert as a useful relevant document. For example if you have a handwritten validated offer from the supplier, on paper and you have scanned it in pdf format, you can upload the file here and enter a corresponding Title.

    After the file has been imported into the Related documents, the following capabilities are available:

    view the file by clicking on its name which is in link format,

    edit (title & grouping) or delete the file via the corresponding icons  .

    The required configuration must be already existent from menu Settings / Management user-defined fields and

    Settings / Manage grouping tables.

    (there are written instructions in the corresponding section)

    Select items: it can be done in 3 different ways:

    1st Way:

    As soon as the trade account search table has appeared, by clicking on the + Select items,

    this table appears to Select items. With the appropriate filters you can display the desired items on the table.

    To insert them, you can select either one or several codes at once (ctrl or shift if they are sequential codes in display order) and press + to insert them in the document lines.

    2nd Way:

    In the document, in tab  , by clicking on the + Select items,

    the same table appears, as mentioned in 1st Way.

    3rd Way:

    Inside the document, in tab  , by typing in the “Quick search” field

    the same table appears, as mentioned in 1st Way.

    After the items have been invoiced, press “Save” .

    Furthermore, after you have saved the document, from the  field at the top right, you can find  information about the document, i.e. if there has been a transition, if it has been registered etc.,  information about the history of changes, as well as print labels for items registered in the document, by selecting label printing. You can print as many labels as the quantity of each item entered in the document. You must first have created from the item entity the multiple item codes, as detailed in the Entities entities, as they are highlighted in the picture below.

    Pending invoices

    This report shows all uninvoiced purchase receipt notes. From the filters you can set criteria to get the information you wish.

    Then, select the notes you wish, like in the picture below:

    Select in PIV or PRN


    And then you choose the series you wish.

    Supplier balances

    Trial Balance

    The Supplier Trial Balance displays the Previous fiscal year (balances) and Previous balances (Brought Forward), Total Charges and Credits, and the Balances of your Suppliers. 

     Filters: once you open the “Suppliers Trial Balance” page and click on the filter, the fields are filled-in as follows:

    Fiscal year: selecting a fiscal year changes the data that the trial balance will display. If you are at 2023, but have not closed the fiscal year of 2022, the amounts that update the Previous fiscal year tab change. So, in the fiscal year you will always leave the one that comes automatically populated, that is, the first one open.

    Date interval: you can select a specific date or date interval.

    Supplier: Select specific supplier(s).

    Branch: the branch, to which correspond the values that will be displayed, according to the documents created in each branch (this information is linked to the document series).

    Family: select one or more families to group Trial Balance data. (Grouping by Family can be done by configuring the application: Settings / Manage grouping tables and then save the Family within each Supplier in Attributes).

    Group: select one or more families to group Trial Balance data. (Grouping by Group can be done by configuring the application: Settings / Manage grouping tables and then save the Group within each Supplier in Attributes).

    Category: select one or more families to group Trial Balance data. (Grouping by Category can be done by configuring the application: Settings / Manage grouping tables & then save the Category within each Supplier in Attributes).

    Balance: once the page opens, the following is visible:

     which means that it will bring values greater & smaller than 0, based on a Balance column and according to the Date interval you have set.

    Clicking on the symbols  will display the following options:

    Select the one that best suits you and fill in the numeric field the corresponding value, according to the selected relationship,

    For example, Other than 0, or Less than 100, or Period  etc.

    Once you enter a value, click outside the field to keep the entered value and then press Accept.

    The “Trade account” column acts as a link, i.e. you can press it and open a brief traffic & data display table for the supplier. Then, click on its code to navigate to the Supplier’s entity for more information.

    Export data to pdf & excel:

    After you have brought the information you are interested in to the page, you can export it to pdf and/or excel format files.


    The “Supplier tab” shows all entries, i.e. all documents, of the customer(s) you have selected in the filters for the corresponding date interval.

    The page columns show the following information:

    Charge: displays the documents in which the supplier is registered, with the corresponding values that update the charge, i.e. reduce its balance.

    Credit: displays the documents in which the supplier is , with the corresponding values that update the credit, i.e. increase its balance.

    Cumulative_Charge: displays the charge cumulatively.

    Cumulative_Credit: displays the credit cumulatively.

    Balance: displays the supplier balance, after each entry registered. It results from Balance (of prior move) + Charge – Credit.

     Filters: Once you open the “Supplier tab” page and click on the filter, the fields are filled-in as follows:

    Fiscal year: selecting a fiscal year changes the data that the trial balance will display. If you are at 2023, but have not closed the fiscal year of 2022, the amounts that update the Previous fiscal year tab change. So, in the fiscal year you will always leave the one that comes automatically populated, that is, the first one open.

    Date interval: you can select a specific date or date interval.

    Customer: Select specific supplier(s).

    Branch: the branch, to which correspond the values that will be displayed, according to the documents created in each branch (this information is linked to the document series).

    Family: select one or more families to group Trial Balance data. (Grouping by Family can be done by configuring the application: Settings / Manage grouping tables and then save the Family within each Supplier in Attributes).

    Group: select one or more families to group Trial Balance data. (Grouping by Group can be done by configuring the application: Settings / Manage grouping tables and then save the Group within each Supplier in Attributes).

    Category: select one or more families to group Trial Balance data. (Grouping by Category can be done by configuring the application: Settings / Manage grouping tables & then save the Category within each Supplier in Attributes).

    Balance: once the page opens, the following is visible:

     which means that it will bring values greater & smaller than 0, based on a Balance column and according to the Date interval you have set.

    Clicking on the symbols  will display the following options:

    Select the one that best suits you and fill in the numeric field the corresponding value, according to the selected relationship,

    For example, Other than 0, or Less than 100, or Interval  etc.

    Once you enter a value, click outside the field to keep the entered value and then press Accept.

    The “Trade account” column acts as a link, i.e. you can press it and open a brief traffic & data display table for the supplier. Then, click on its code to navigate to the Supplier’s entity for more information.

    Furthermore, the same logic applies to the documents that appear on the tabs, by clicking on the document code you will be directly navigated into it for more detailed information.

    Export data to pdf & excel:

    After you have brought the information you are interested in to the page, you can export it to pdf and/or excel format files.

    Current Balances

    From the current balances report you receive information on the open balances per customer. That is, it concerns balances that have not yet been paid, regardless of the credit period.

    Click the field Supplier or TRN to select a trade account. Furthermore, you can set the amount of the current balance e.g. 10,000 and the application will

    In any case, you can receive all the current balances, without selecting a supplier, as well as the current balance amount.

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