- 05 Nov 2024
- 11 Minutes to read
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POS Integration
- Updated on 05 Nov 2024
- 11 Minutes to read
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Integration with means of payment (EFT/POS) and Provider (Electronic Document Provider Services)
The application now supports Electronic Funds Transfer at the point of sale (EFT/POS), carried out using Means of Payment with a corresponding obligation to issue documents, as well as the associated integration processes with myDATA under Circular, Decision 1155/2023.
According to the Basic integration rule, transactions are standardized into:
Simultaneous transactions, in which the documents (invoices, retail sales receipts) are issued at the same time as their payment.
Deferred transactions, in which the documents (invoices, retail sales receipts) are issued at a time prior to their payment.
Simultaneous transactions of pre-collections, deposits, preliminary approvals, in which the receipts are issued at the same time as their payment.
Simultaneous transactions of collections on behalf of third parties, in which the collection receipts on behalf of third parties are issued at the same time as their payment.
Simultaneous return transactions, in which the transactions of cases 1 to 4 are either canceled without prior issue of a sales document, or canceled after the sales document is issued. In this case, the credit documents are issued, with the corresponding refund of the relevant transaction amounts for each case.
The transactions carried out in accordance with this Decision, as appropriate, concern the following stakeholders:
Payment Service Provider (Acquirer): The Acquirer is the organization that handles an online transaction. It's the so-called “clearing”, so that the payment money from the customer to a business is safely transferred to the merchant’s account.
Network Service Provider (NSP): The legal person involved in the provision and management of POS terminals, as well as the provision of services that include the connection of POS terminals to obliged entities
YPAHES (Electronic Document Provider Services) Entersoft e-invoicing.
Payment services user
The above entities have the obligation to comply with the Basic integration rule, using the Integration method for Means of payment and Cash register systems they use or provide, for the integration with myDATA and the transmission of relevant data to myDATA.
To learn more, please refer to the relevant circular: https://www.aade.gr/sites/default/files/2023-10/a_1155ada.pdf
Supported Network Service Providers (NSPs)
This version supports the integration with means of payment (EFT/POS) of the following Network Service Providers:
Network Service Provider NSP | Communication type |
ePAy / Euronet | Cloud service |
EDPS | Socket communication |
Mellon | Cloud service |
Cardlink | Cloud service |
Cardlink | Intranet service |
Viva | Cloud service |
To view the list of compatible POS models according to Decision n.1155/23, click here.
In order to proceed to transactions using a credit card with POS integration to myDATA, the appropriate settings must be made in the application.
Enabling myDATA integration with POS
In the Settings/Liquidity/Credit card integration settings menu, you can activate the process and configure the settings for the Providers (NSPs), as well as the POS devices themselves.
The connection parameter for the integration functionality of POS terminals with myDATA. It is enabled if there are POS devices in the installation that must be integrated, according to the myDATA integration rule described in Circular, Decision 1155.
Network service provider - Communication profile
This sub-page contains all the settings required for communication with the respective Network Service Provider (NSP).
In addition to creating individual provider communication profiles (as explained below), you have the ability to directly and en masse create all available communication profiles from Actions:
By clicking on the Network service provider field, a drop-down list appears with the available provider options:
Once you have selected a provider, the list closes and the profiles are automatically created when you click on Accept:
Alternatively, you will need to create an entry for every provider you work with.
The supported Network Service Providers and the corresponding settings required for each one of them are illustrated in the following table:
By selecting the Provider, the necessary fields with the default value of each provider are automatically filled in.
The “Communication type” defines the means of communication supported by each payment Network service provider.
The “Username” and “Password” need to be populated in the case of “Cloud Service” and provided by the respective network service Provider.
In respect to Viva, it is necessary to enter the “Merchant ID”, which you can find on the Viva administration site: https://accounts.vivapayments.com/Account/Login.
The “Service URL” and “Certification URL” in the case of “Cloud service” are embedded in the application and will be populated if the Network service provider requires it.
The “Supports free refund” is enabled for providers that DON'T require a relevant collection transaction with POS for return transactions with POS.
Fill in the clearing bank codes returned by each provider. In the event that different Network service providers return the same code for a different bank, a clearing bank mapping will be required in the “Network service provider - Communication profile”.
POS communication profile
The next step of the process is to create an entry on the POS communication profile sub-page, for every POS mechanism that the business owns. All the settings necessary for POS communication (Means of payment - EFT/POS terminal) that have been acquired from the respective Network service provider (NSP) are specified here.
In cases where the provider does not communicate through a Cloud service, the new version of Entersoft Cloud Driver is required.
In the case of Communication Socket (EDPS), the POS is connected by the IT department to our local network and requires a network IP and Port.
In the case of Cloud Service (Mellon, ePay/Euronet, Cardlink, Viva) and Intranet service (Cardlink), the POS communicates through the URLs defined by the respective Network service provider.
Document series
In every document series that you wish to support transactions (sales, receipts, returns) with POS, based on the myDATA integration rule, it is necessary to make the following adjustments:
In the print details, the e-invoicing field must have value "Via provider".
In the POS Com profile tab, specify the POS device or devices, with which credit card payment transactions can be made.
Document types
In retail document types where the Payment tab is available, the “Approve POS payment” action has been added.
In addition, two new Collection/Payment documents have been added for simultaneous pre-collection or refund transactions to customers using a credit card.
ΠΟΣ as cash receipt with POS, with myDATA code “8.4”
ΠΠΣ as return receipt with POS, with myDATA code “8.5”
The above documents are special cases, in that the collection amounts are added in payment lines as is the payment, by entering the payment method, like in the case of Retail sales. Selecting the permissible payment terms for the document type is a prerequisite.
In the following sections, you can see some user examples for each transaction case.
Liquidity accounts
In liquidity accounts – Credit cards used in POS transactions based on Decision 1155, value “007 – POS/e-POS” must be entered in the MyDATA category field.
Transactions under the new rule of myDATA integration with POS
Upon completion of the above actions, you can proceed to the total transactions with the approval of credit card with POS – myDATA integration. In detail, these transactions are:
Simultaneous transaction - Retail sales 11.1
A simultaneous sales transaction is one that the collection by credit card via POS is carried out along with the sale. In these transactions, for example, document RIN - Retail receipt / Delivery note is often used. After the sold items are added, the user can proceed with the process of collection by credit card.
The approval process can be enabled in the Payment tab, from action “POS payment approval”. | |
Pre-populated payment line Whether the user populates the payment line with all the necessary information, such as amount, number of installments, liquidity account, or if it's pre-filled based on the configuration made, a POS selection window will pop up. If only one POS is specified in the document series, the application will proceed with the approval process without the selection window appearing. | |
No payment line If the payment line is not pre-populated in the document, then a dialog appears with the remaining payable amount, the payment amount by card, the installments and means of payment (POS). If more than one device is specified in the series, the first one will be the default. However, you can select your preferred one. | |
The process proceeds by connecting with the provider to provide the approval. Upon approval, the necessary provider information (such as the Approval no) is returned to the payment line and you can proceed with saving and/or printing the document. |
Simultaneous transaction - Retail sales Credit note 11.4
A Simultaneous retail return transaction is the return transaction of goods accompanied by cancellation of the collection made by credit card via POS. In these transactions, for example, document RCN - Credit note / Return note is often used.
In order to activate the communication management with POS, the Payment details must be enabled in the document type.
In the Payment tab, specify the payment methods. For Means of payment/POS and the document series settings, everything described in the previous section applies.
Note that
It is important to keep in mind that specific Network service providers (ePay/Euronet, Viva), in order to accept a return via POS, require the “Transaction ID” of the relevant collection with POS. If the “Supports free refund” flag is disabled, then the application tries to find in the relevant documents a relevant collection with POS of less or equal value.
Simultaneous transaction – Cash receipt with POS 8.4
The "simultaneous" cash transactions with myDATA code 8.4, in which the collection happens by credit card via POS, can use document ΠΟΣ – Cash receipt by credit card (POS). This document is equivalent to the CRC collection document when it comes to application updates. What’s different about it is that in this type the Payment tab is available, to allow for the credit card approval process.
Upon selecting a customer, the payment method is also updated.
After the payment line has been inserted with the necessary information (amount, installment, etc.), the user can proceed with the process through the Approve transaction with POS action, as analyzed in the above section (Simultaneous sales transaction).
A prerequisite for activating this functionality is to specify the desired payment methods by credit card in the document type. You should also activate the Auto-displayed and Auto suggest amount fields.
Simultaneous transaction – Return receipt with POS 8.5
The "simultaneous" payment transactions with myDATA code 8.5, in which the collection happens by credit card via POS, can use document ΠΠΣ – Customer payment by credit card (POS). This document is equivalent to the CPC collection document when it comes to application updates. What’s different about it is that in this type the Payment tab is available, to allow for the credit card approval process.
After the payment line has been inserted with the necessary information (amount, installment, etc), the user can proceed with the process through the Approve transaction with POS action, as analyzed in the previous sections.
Note that
In this case also, bear in mind that specific Network service providers (ePay/Euronet, Viva), in order to accept a return via POS, require the “Transaction ID” of the relevant collection with POS. If the “Supports free refund” flag is disabled, then the application tries to find in the relevant documents a relevant collection with POS of less or equal value.
Deferred transaction – Collection and return receipt with POS
According to the definition of myDATA, deferred transactions are the ones during which documents (invoices, retail sales receipts) are issued at a time prior to their payment.
For example, a sales document (retail, invoice) has been issued on credit and afterwards the payment of its outstanding amount must be made. The creation of the payment transaction is done through the sales document, using action Collect balance by card.
This action can be performed on sales documents that have an outstanding balance and creates a ΠΟΣ receipt document (without a myDATA code) for the payment of the initial document.
Type & Series: The document type and series are the default values. Select POS: The POS device specified in the document series is the default value. Open amount : The outstanding document amount. Card amount to be collected: The open amount is the default value. The whole amount or part of it can be collected. Show document. After the process has been executed, the new collection document is displayed. |
The process is the same as that for simultaneous transactions. An informative message is displayed during the process.
After its completion, the generated document appears, where the Approval Number has also been updated on the payment line. In the relevant documents, the initial sales document has been entered. The two documents have been linked, in order to update their liquidity mapping properly.
Respectively, for the deferred return through POS, the “Return to card” action was created. It can be performed on credit sales documents with an open balance and creates a ΠΠΣ return document (without a myDATA code).
Note that
In the case of deferred transactions, the signature received from the provider to unlock the POS related to the initial document's MARK, therefore, the collection document created IS NOT transmitted to the provider and to myDATA and must NOT have a myDATA code filled-in.
The collection with POS concerns the MARK of the document that is paid and transmitted by a separate call to the provider, who in turn submits it to myDATA.
The system creates, between the initial sales document and the collection document, selective mappings which CANNOT be deleted.
Brief steps for POS configuration and communication
Enable company parameter "Transactions with credit cards: Enable integration rule MyData with POS"
Create and set up “Network service provider - Communication profile” for the NSPs the business works with
Fill in the clearing bank codes returned by each provider. In the event that different Network service providers return the same code for a different bank, a clearing bank matching will be required in the “Network service provider - Communication profile”.
Create and set up the “POS Com profile”, i.e.of the POS terminals that the company has acquired from the Network service providers (NSPs)
Configure document types that will be used in transactions (sales, returns, collections, payments) with POS: A) Specify the payment terms that will be used for credit card transactions with POS B) Enter myDATA code “8.4” for the POS collection documents (ΠΟΣ) and “8.5” for the POS returns (ΠΠΣ), if used in accordance with myDATA's Decision n.1155
Configure document series on workstations that support integration with POS:
Series must have "E-invoicing: Via provider”
Select “POS Com profile”, i.e. Of the POS terminals with which each series can be integrated